Chapter 1: A Rock and a Hard Place
Wrathful Deity Statue
Once you’ve escaped from the train at the start of the game, look at the base of the tree on the edge of the cliff.
Saraswati Statue
As you venture back into the crash site, look for this treasure near the open fire.
Tibetan Snuff Box
After you shoot off the padlock, step through the door and look up. Shoot down the treasure from the corpse hanging above you.
Bhutanese Lime Box
Jump across the gap between train cars, but before you enter, drop down to the ground to find the treasure below you.
Ghau Amulet Thogchag
Following your flashback to Nate’s evening with Chloe, jump out of the hole in the wall and use the yellow pipe to reach another car. Turn around as soon as you’re inside and you’ll see the treasure against the back wall.
Chapter 2: Breaking and Entering
Byzantine Gold Coin
As you enter the basement from the sewers, turn around to find the Coin on a box.
Glass Evil Eye
Move on with the level. After you boost Flynn up, turn around and look at the scaffolding to Nate’s right.
Ottoman Ring
Before you enter the museum, search the suit of armor in the corner to the right of the door.
Silver Amulet Box
In a flower bed in the museum courtyard, in front of the closed portcullis.
Silver Belt Buckle
Check the ornate fountain on the museum grounds.
Ivory Chess Knight
When you reach the rafters, take a second to check the windows right by the big iron bell.
Ottoman Bracelet
Use Flynn’s rope to reach the barred windows on the museum’s exterior wall, but before you move on, take a little detour. You can use the ledge here to shimmy around the corner and drop onto a slim drainage pipe, where this treasure is waiting for you.
Antique Pocket Watch
On the museum’s roof, look for a glowing spot behind a red banner on one of the tower walls. Shoot it with your tranquilizer pistol to make it drop to a place where you can take it.
Antique Pipe
After Flynn screws you over, three guards will come after you through a nearby gate. This treasure is in an alcove to the left of them; grab it before you deal with them.
Jeweled Bracelet
Before you climb out of the sewers at the end of the level, do a 180. The treasure is directly across from the tunnel that contains your exit ladder.
Chapter 3: Borneo
Yuan Dynasty Coin
After you plant the first charge, follow the river until you come to the enormous tree. Sully will go right; go left instead, use the small log to enter a hidden area, and shoot the treasure off of the branch overhead.
Yuan Dynasty Jade Animal
After you knock out the two guards, turn right and look for another log ramp. It leads to another small hidden area, where this treasure sits inside an old barrel.
Jade Pei Pendant
Around the time Chloe radios you to tell you that you’re getting close to the excavation site, keep an eye out for a suspiciously climbable-looking wooden wall along the edge of a combat arena. You can scale it to find this treasure at the end of a small walkway.
Amber Jade Chimera
After your brawl with the soldiers, climb the rope that Sully drops for you. Don’t follow him, though; instead, turn right, jump to the ledge on the other side of the waterfall, and navigate several gaps, cliffs, and beams to find this particularly well-hidden treasure.
Chapter 4: The Dig
Mongol Paiza Passport
Shoot the glowing spot in the crow’s nest of the wrecked ship outside Lazarevic’s office.
Jade Belt Slide
Stuck to the wall above the Chinese tiger statue on the lower floor of the ruins.
Yuan Dynasty Helmet
After the scene where Nate finds the Phurba dagger, turn left to spot another distant glowing object on the wall above you. Shoot it down.
Chapter 5: Urban Warfare
Strange Relic*
After your detour through the ruined building, you’ll end up back on the street next to a wrecked blue car. Head away from it towards the blue shutter at the end of the nearby alleyway, and drop into the open manhole to find UC2’s Strange Relic.
Chapter 6: Desperate Times
Brass Bird Lamp
After the level’s opening fight, backtrack a bit and look for this treasure, which is on top of one of the streetlights next to a yellow sign. You’ll have to climb up for this one.
Silver Dress Clasp
Shoot the glowing spot above the entrance to the temple at the start of the level.
Copper Rice Measure
Before you enter the hotel through the second-floor window, follow the exterior awning around to its end to find this treasure.
Yuan Dynasty Urn
When you find the elevator car with this treasure in it, climb the nearby stairs to the top and drop down into the elevator from above.
Enameled Snuff Bottle
After you cross the skybridge into another ruined apartment, go onto the balcony next to the kitchen, jump the railing, and follow the roof around to the open suitcase.
Incense Burner
During your fight with the mercenaries on the rooftops, look for a short building with a big water tank on top of it. The treasure is next to that water tank.
Chapter 7: They’re Coming With Us
Worn Pendant
After the level’s opening fight, backtrack to the ruined house and grab this off the top of the discordantly yellow nightstand.
Nine Jewel Ring
In the same plaza, look up to see this treasure glowing from inside the bell on the ornate fountain statue.
Ankhora Water Vessel
On a pile of junk at water level on the far side of the canal. You’re “supposed” to drop down onto it once you get to the other side, but you can just as easily wade against the current to grab it with a little practice.
Silver Shiva Amulet
On a cart in the courtyard in front of the temple.
Chapter 8: The City’s Secret
Bronze Altar Spoon
As soon as you gain control of Nate at the start of the level, turn right and go through the doorway. Climb the wall at the end of the hall to find this treasure in a hidden alcove.
Bronze Varaha Statue
Once you “disarm” the spike trap, look for this treasure in a bone pile to the right of the exit door.
Chapter 9: Path of Light
Copper Lakhe Mask
This is found at the far end of the balcony that you can reach after you activate the pink face idol’s switch. You can just barely see it glow while you’re on approach.
Carved Jade Figurine
After you shoot open the eye on another idol, Nate ends up dangling off of an oversized metal censer. At this point, you can barely spot the treasure’s glow above a closed gate ahead of you. Shoot it down from here and you can go grab it.
Bronze Ganesh Statue
Once you open the secret room below the temple, enter and circle around its edge. The treasure is hidden behind one of the ornamental columns.
Chapter 12: A Train to Catch
Nepali Bronze Lion
At the end of an alleyway off the street where you start the level.
Yuan Dynasty Lotus Jar
After you boost Elena up to the fire escape and she drops a ladder for you, don’t follow her right away. Instead, use the stairs to climb to the top of the fire escape and scoop up this treasure.
Cham Lion Mask
Later on, when Elena drops the walkway for you on the rooftops, go back to the roof she was stuck on and grab this treasure. You should see its glow while you’re clinging to the street sign.
Jeweled Statue Crown
After you ride the zipline down to the trainyard, head along the side of the nearby train car, past the blue tank, to find this treasure in some debris at the end of the path.
Three-Stone Coral Ring
On top of an air conditioning unit high on the wall in the trainyard’s loading dock. You’ll need to climb over to it.
Chapter 13: Locomotion
Miniature Bronze Stupa
As soon as you’re aboard the train, retreat to its tail end to find this treasure on its open hatch.
Yama and Buffalo Statue
On the roof of a passenger car relatively early in the level, between the two mechanical housings.
Newari Bronze Figures
Look out for a car on the train that’s hauling a load of coal. This treasure is inside the freight car in front of it, against its back wall near some blue barrels.
Chapter 14: Tunnel Vision
Gilded Bodhisattva Statue
This treasure, like the one before it, is in a freight car that’s found immediately after a coal car, near the start of the level.
Tibetan Saddle Ring
You’ll eventually reach a train car that you have to break into by shooting the lock off its back door. This treasure is inside, on the other end of the car.