Right ear totally deaf with wax after using drops (2024)

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Dan06 Posts: 1,223

Forum Member


16/11/10 - 12:54 in Advice #1

My right ear has been getting steadily worse over the past few weeks wax wise and the last few days I've had to pop my ear quite regularly to be able to hear properly so I decided it was high time I arranged a cleaning out session with the Nurse which I have next Monday.
I had it done a few years back and again when I phoned up they said to put olive oil ear drops in to soften it up before next week. I was very reluctant to as last time doing that it totally blocked the ear for days until I had the procedure. Yet again it's happened and I have had to take the day off work to see if the Nurse could do it as I am in a customer service job and my hearing now is very bad.
She said I had to continue using the drops until next week otherwise she would risk perforating the ear drum. But the drops are only making my ear more clogged up and am unable to pop my ear at all
Has anyone got any suggestions as to how I can pop it so can at least have some hearing for work until next Monday?

  • c4rv Posts: 30,309

    Forum Member


    16/11/10 - 13:11 #2

    The drops will make it worse as the oil is absorbed by the wax and expands. But the nurse is correct and the syringing will be much easier with the waz softened.

    You could try rincing was warm water after using the drops else I used tesco own brand ear solution which completed removed the wax by themselves though it did take a week of being used 3x30 minute sessions a day. Basically put them in and then lay on your side (normally watch TV or something) while it does its job. After 30 minutes, use a tissue to 'suck' out the liquid. DO NOT poke anything in there to clean them. Do one ear at a time as it can cause temporary deafness.

  • grumpyscot Posts: 11,392

    Forum Member


    16/11/10 - 15:26 #3

    Rinse with warm water, then lie down with the bad ear against the pillow. Usually, when you're relaxed, all will run out of your ear.

    At least it works for me!

  • [Deleted User] Posts: 3,234

    Forum Member


    16/11/10 - 17:22 #4

    sorry I have no advice of the type needed - sounds so grotty for you! -

    but one piece of advice - don't use hopi ear candles. They've been linked to people getting ear injuries, which I found out while researching whether or not to buy one for my mum.

  • c4rv wrote: »

    DO NOT poke anything in there to clean them.

    Nothing smaller than your elbow is the advice I recall. Right ear totally deaf with wax after using drops (6)

    I agree with the warm water and lying on your side. Having a regular shower loosens everything eventually, so maybe worth doing before bed?

  • cnbcwatcher Posts: 56,681

    Forum Member

    17/11/10 - 00:48 #6

    Ear drops are deadly things. I had to go to the doc yesterday for an ear infection and I was offered ear drops but I said no as I wasn't comfortable with the idea and she gave me antibiotics instead, which is better but they make me feel a little sick Right ear totally deaf with wax after using drops (8)

  • c4rv Posts: 30,309

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 00:50 #7

    cnbcwatcher wrote: »

    Ear drops are deadly things. I had to go to the doc yesterday for an ear infection and I was offered ear drops but I said no as I wasn't comfortable with the idea and she gave me antibiotics instead, which is better but they make me feel a little sick Right ear totally deaf with wax after using drops (10)

    I am wondering why you think ear drops are deadly ?

    Also your were offered ear drops but had antibiotics instead ? That does not make sense to me.

  • [Deleted User] Posts: 1,191

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 00:53 #8

    Drops made it worse for me too. I also work in customer service, so I can sympathise with you OP.

    Syringing fixed it right up though.

  • c4rv Posts: 30,309

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 00:57 #9

    Firthy2002 wrote: »

    Drops made it worse for me too. I also work in customer service, so I can sympathise with you OP.

    Syringing fixed it right up though.

    they won't syring without using drops first to losen the wax.

  • [Deleted User] Posts: 1,191

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 00:59 #10

    c4rv wrote: »

    they won't syring without using drops first to losen the wax.

    I know, but it was a pain for it to get worse first.
    That appointment for the syringing couldn't come quickly enough!

  • [Deleted User] Posts: 11,653

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 01:20 #11

    I swear by a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide, you can actually hear it 'fizzing' away the wax.

  • [Deleted User] Posts: 3

    Forum Member

    17/11/10 - 01:26 #12

    Necessary evil in order to soften up the wax pre syringing the ear out. Softened wax literally flows out of your ears at syringing time.

    Afterwards it's like hearing for the first time, so if other peoples headphones annoyed you on public transport before - just wait 'til afterwards!

  • cpu121 Posts: 5,330

    Forum Member

    17/11/10 - 02:00 #13

    The paedriatic audiology clinic I used to attend were very against ear syringing - to the point that they were much happier with Otex drops and a cotton bud by a practised hand (fully aware of the risks involved).

    If the problem is serious and affecting your work, you might want to consider the cost-benefits of going to a private audiology clinic that offers treatments that don't require a week's worth of softening . Yes, it'll cost but when you depend on your ears working properly, getting them cleared sooner may well be worth it.

  • mike1948 Posts: 2,161

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 15:38 #14

    I sympathise because I, too, have this problem. It is thoroughly miserable not to be able to hear properly and to have to keep asking people to repeat themselves. Also, you feel so left out when at social gatherings.

    I had both ears syringed at once recently but not until I had put drops in for nearly two weeks. The relief was wonderful.

    Before getting it done by the nurse at my GP's surgery, I visited the local NHS Drop-in Centre but they do not do syringing.

    To prevent the problem happening again, put drops in your ears occasionally when they are not blocked.

  • JanieB Posts: 3,425

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 16:13 #15

    I work as a nurse in a surgery and I have seen a big move away from ear syringing. In fact I don't think any of our district nurses do syringing anymore (which was always their domain). We only really syringe stubborn wax which will simply not come out with drops or sometimes have to ensure ears are cleared before hard of hearing patients have their hearing aids renewed.

    I would say that since the summer I have only syringed two patients' ears. Roll back ten years and I was doing probably about 6 a day!

  • cnbcwatcher Posts: 56,681

    Forum Member

    17/11/10 - 16:48 #16

    c4rv wrote: »

    I am wondering why you think ear drops are deadly ?

    Also your were offered ear drops but had antibiotics instead ? That does not make sense to me.

    I don't know, I wince whenever I think of using drops of any kind. slightly off topic but I had to use nose drops once and the stink was terrible! they were disgusting :eek:

  • [Deleted User] Posts: 1,459

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 18:17 #17

    can i just add, when you get your hearing back, its the best feeling ever.

  • [Deleted User] Posts: 2,066

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 21:01 #18

    I've been having trouble with my ears recently but I'm sure it's because I wear ear plugs every night (a necessity unfortunately!) I had to get them syringed twice in two weeks they were so bad! My GP told me to put olive oil in them every so often to stop them from blocking. I got some other drops from the doc too that I'm putting in at the moment. Right ear totally deaf with wax after using drops (22)

  • Clairebee Posts: 746

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 21:39 #19

    I had to put olive oil in to.

    Might be a stupid question, did you warm up the olive oil first? Cos you are supposed to.

  • [Deleted User] Posts: 2,066

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 22:34 #20

    Clairebee wrote: »

    I had to put olive oil in to.

    Might be a stupid question, did you warm up the olive oil first? Cos you are supposed to.

    No, I didn't know that. I just put it in cold. I must try that and see if it helps. Ta! Right ear totally deaf with wax after using drops (25)

  • c4rv Posts: 30,309

    Forum Member


    17/11/10 - 23:03 #21

    Silver Light wrote: »

    No, I didn't know that. I just put it in cold. I must try that and see if it helps. Ta! Right ear totally deaf with wax after using drops (27)

    yes, its better if its warmed up slightly, obviously not boiling hot

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Right ear totally deaf with wax after using drops (2024)
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