Petco Pay Mastercard Credit Card - Legal Docs (2025)

This Rate and Fee Summary (Summary) is part of the Credit Card Agreement (Agreement) for the Petco Pay Mastercard® or Petco Pay Credit Card Account. Read it and keep it.

Interest Rates and Interest Charges

Petco Pay Mastercard

Petco Pay Credit Card

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases

29.99% or 35.99% when you open your account, based upon your creditworthiness.

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.


APR for Balance Transfers



APR for Cash Advances


This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.


Paying Interest

Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing period. We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. If you do not, you will not get a grace period on purchases again until you pay the entire balance by the due date for two billing periods in a row. We will begin charging interest on balance transfers and cash advances on the transaction date.


How to Avoid Paying Interest


Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing period. We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. If you do not, you will not get a grace period on purchases again until you pay the entire balance by the due date for two billing periods in a row.

Minimum Interest Charge

If you are charged interest, the charge will be no less than $3.00.

For Credit Card Tips from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at


Set-up and Maintenance Fees
• Annual Fee
• Paper Statement Fee


Up to $35.88 annually ($2.99 each month in which your balance is greater than $3.50 and a paper billing statement is mailed to you; you can avoid this fee each month you are enrolled in paperless statements on the last day of a billing period)


Up to $35.88 annually ($2.99 each month in which your balance is greater than $3.50 and a paper billing statement is mailed to you; you can avoid this fee each month you are enrolled in paperless statements on the last day of a billing period)

Transaction Fees
• Balance Transfer
• Cash Advance
• Foreign Transaction

Either $10 or 5% of the amount of each transfer, whichever is greater.

Either $10.00 or 5.0% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater.

3.0% of each transaction in U.S. dollars.




Penalty Fees
• Late Payment
• Returned Payment

Up to $41.00

Up to $41.00

Up to $41.00

Up to $41.00

How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called “daily balance (including current transactions).” Review your Agreement for more details.

Billing Rights: Information on your rights to dispute transactions and how to exercise those rights is provided in your Agreement.

New York Residents: Comenity Capital Bank - Petco Pay Mastercard: 1-855-266-0558 (TDD/TTY: 1-888-819-1918). New York Residents may contact the New York State Department of Financial Services by telephone or visit its website for free information on comparative credit card rates, fees, and grace periods. New York Department of Financial Services 1-800-342-3736 or

Wisconsin Residents: If you are married, contact us upon receipt of this Agreement at the General phone number in the How to Contact Us section below and give us your spouse’s name and address.

Print Date: This Summary was printed September 2024. The information was accurate as of that date but may have changed. To find out more, contact us at the General mailing address or phone number in the How to Contact Us section below.

Issuer Name: Your Card is issued by Comenity Capital Bank.

Governing Law: This loan is made in Utah and this Agreement is governed by Utah and federal law.

Rate Information: The following chart provides details on your rates as of the Print Date shown above.

Petco Pay Mastercard


Daily Periodic Rate



35.99% (v)




29.99% (v)



Balance Transfers




Cash Advances

36.99% (v)



Petco Pay Credit Card Purchases




(v) = variable

PIN for ATM Cash Advances: You must enter a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to obtain an ATM cash advance. Call the General number in the How to Contact Us section below to request a PIN.

Annual Fee: If there is an Annual Fee in the Fees table above, this fee will be charged with the close of your first billing period and annually thereafter. We will refund this fee if you close your Account within 30 days of the mailing or delivery date of the statement on which the fee appears. The fee is otherwise non-refundable.

Paper Statement Fee: We will charge a Paper Statement Fee each month your balance is greater than $3.50 and a paper billing statement is mailed to you. We do not charge the fee for the first billing period after Account opening. You can avoid this fee if you are enrolled in paperless statements as of 5:00 p.m. ET on the last day of a billing period. You can enroll at the website in the How to Contact Us section of the Summary.

Late Fee: If you do not pay the Minimum Payment by the Due Date, we charge a Late Fee. The fee is $30.00 if you were not charged a Late Fee during the prior six billing periods. Otherwise, it is $41.00. This fee will not exceed the amount permitted by law.

Returned Payment Fee: If you make a payment that is not honored, we charge a Returned Payment Fee even if the payment is honored on resubmission. The fee is $30.00 if you were not charged a Returned Payment Fee in the same or the prior six billing periods. Otherwise, it is $41.00. This fee will not exceed the amount permitted by law.

Alternative Payment Method Fee: We may allow you to make an expedited payment over the phone. If you do, we may charge a fee. Currently, that fee is up to $15. We’ll let you know the current fee before you authorize any payment and you can withdraw your request if you don’t want to pay the fee.

Promotional Credit Plans for Petco Pay Mastercard: Purchases made at a participating Petco location or the Petco website on a Petco Pay Mastercard Credit Card Account may qualify for a Promotional Credit Plan as described below. As of the Print Date, your Purchase APR is 29.99% or 35.99%, based upon your creditworthiness when you opened the account, based on the Prime Rate.

Current offers may include:

Deferred Interest, Payment Required: No interest if paid in full within 6, 9, or 12 months. Interest will be charged to the Account from the purchase date at the Purchase APR if the plan balance is not paid in full within the promotional period.

Waived Interest, Payment Required: No Interest for 6, 9, or 12 months. After that the Purchase APR will apply to any remaining plan balance.

Applicable to All Promotional Credit Plans

  • Available plans and offer terms are subject to change. Plan availability may be limited to certain locations or web purchases. For more information, visit a participating Petco location or the Petco website.
  • Minimum payments are required for each Credit Plan. Review the Minimum Payment section below for more details.
  • Minimum payments are not guaranteed to pay the promotional plan balance within the promotional period. You may have to pay more than the minimum payment to avoid paying interest at the purchase APR. Some balances may be paid off before the promotional period ends.
  • Your minimum payment may be higher than if you did not select promotional financing.
  • Valid for single transaction only. If the single transaction has multiple shipments, each shipment may result in a separate Credit Plan, subject to a separate minimum purchase requirement.
  • Multiple transactions that qualify for the same type of Promotional Credit Plan that post on a single day may be combined into one Credit Plan without respect to minimum purchase requirements.
  • Each transaction placed on a promotional Credit Plan may not earn reward points depending on plan selected. Please consult Rewards Terms & Conditions for details.

Promotional Credit Plans for Petco Pay Credit Card: Purchases made at a participating Petco location or the Petco website on a Petco Pay Credit Card Account may qualify for a Promotional Credit Plan as described below. As of the Print Date, your Purchase APR is 35.99%.

Current offers may include:

Deferred Interest, Payment Required: No interest if paid in full within 6, 9, or 12 months. Interest will be charged to the Account from the purchase date at the Purchase APR if the plan balance is not paid in full within the promotional period.

Waived Interest, Payment Required: No Interest for 6, 9, or 12 months. After that the Purchase APR will apply to any remaining plan balance.

Applicable to All Promotional Credit Plans

  • Available plans and offer terms are subject to change. Plan availability may be limited to certain locations or web purchases. For more information, visit a participating Petco location or the Petco website.
  • Minimum payments are required for each Credit Plan. Review the Minimum Payment section below for more details.
  • Minimum payments are not guaranteed to pay the promotional plan balance within the promotional period. You may have to pay more than the minimum payment to avoid paying interest at the purchase APR. Some balances may be paid off before the promotional period ends.
  • Your minimum payment may be higher than if you did not select promotional financing.
  • Valid for single transaction only. If the single transaction has multiple shipments, each shipment may result in a separate Credit Plan, subject to a separate minimum purchase requirement.
  • Multiple transactions that qualify for the same type of Promotional Credit Plan that post on a single day may be combined into one Credit Plan without respect to minimum purchase requirements.
  • Each transaction placed on a promotional Credit Plan may not earn reward points depending on plan selected. Please consult Rewards Terms & Conditions for details.

Minimum Payment: You may pay the entire Account balance at any time. You must pay at least the Minimum Payment each billing period by the Due Date on your statement.

Petco Pay Mastercard Accounts: If the New Balance on your statement is less than $30.00 (or $40.00 if you were charged a Late Fee during the prior six billing periods), the Minimum Payment is the New Balance. If the New Balance is more than $30.00 (or $40.00 if you were charged a Late Fee during the prior six billing periods), the Minimum Payment is the Past Due amount plus the sum of the amounts due on Credit Plans as follows (minimum $30.00 or $40.00 if you were charged a Late Fee during the prior six billing periods):

Petco Pay Accounts: If the New Balance on your statement is less than $30.00 (or $37.00 if you were charged a Late Fee during the prior six billing periods), the Minimum Payment is the New Balance. If the New Balance is more than $30.00 (or $37.00 if you were charged a Late Fee during the prior six billing periods), the Minimum Payment is the Past Due amount plus the sum of the amounts due on Credit Plans as follows (minimum $30.00 or $37.00 if you were charged a Late Fee during the prior six billing periods):

Petco Pay Mastercard Accounts Only

Regular Purchase, Cash Advance and Balance Transfer

Sum of following rounded up to nearest $1:

(1) 1% of sum of regular purchase, Cash Advance and balance transfer Credit Plans at end of billing period (excluding new interest charges for those plans) (minimum $5); plus

(2) New interest charges for those plans

Deferred Interest, Payment Required or Waived Interest, Payment Required

3.5% of sum of plan balances at end of billing period rounded up to nearest $1

Petco Pay Accounts Only

Regular Purchase

5% of sum of plan balances at end of billing period rounded up to nearest $1 (minimum $5)

Deferred Interest, Payment Required or Waived Interest, Payment Required

3.5% of sum of plan balances at end of billing period rounded up to nearest $1

Petco Pay Mastercard and Petco Pay Accounts

Deferred Interest, Equal Payment or Waived Interest, Equal Payment

Purchase amount divided by number of months in promotional period rounded up to nearest $1

Low APR, Equal Payment

Purchase amount including calculated interest charges from purchase date through end of promotional period divided by number of months in promotional period rounded up to nearest $1

Deferred Interest, Low Payment

or Waived Interest, Low Payment

1% of sum of plan balances at end of billing period rounded up to nearest $1

How to Contact Us:

Arbitration Claims

Comenity Capital Bank, PO Box 182436, Columbus, OH 43218-2436

Arbitration Rejection

Comenity Capital Bank, PO Box 182422, Columbus, OH 43218-2422

Bankruptcy Notifications

Comenity Capital Bank, Bankruptcy Department, PO Box 183043, Columbus, OH 43218-3043

Billing Errors

Comenity Capital Bank, PO Box 182620, Columbus, OH 43218-2620

Credit Reporting Disputes

Comenity Capital Bank, PO Box 182120, Columbus, OH 43218-2120

Disputed Debts

3000 Kellway Drive, Suite 120, Carrollton, TX 75006


Credit Card Customer Care:
• Petco Pay Credit Card: 1-877-751-1607
• Petco Pay Mastercard: 1-855-266-0558
• TDD/TTY: 1-888-819-1918
• Petco Pay Credit Card:
• Petco Pay Mastercard:
• Comenity Capital Bank, PO Box 183003, Columbus, OH 43218-3003

When writing, include your name, address, phone number and Account number.

If you have been preapproved, see below for details of your offer.

You can choose to stop receiving “prescreened” offers of credit from this and other companies by calling toll-free 1-888-567-8688. See Prescreen & Opt-out Notice below for more information about prescreened offers.

Prescreen & Opt-Out NoticeThis “prescreened” offer of credit is based on information in your credit report indicating that you meet certain criteria. This offer is not guaranteed if you do not meet our criteria. If you do not want to receive prescreened offers of credit from this and other companies, call the consumer reporting agencies toll-free, 1-888-567-8688; or write: Experian, PO Box 919, Allen, TX 75013; TransUnion, PO Box 505, Woodlyn, PA 19094; Equifax, PO Box 740123, Atlanta, GA 30374; SageStream, LLC, PO Box 503793, San Diego, CA 92150; Innovis, PO Box 495, Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0495.

Important Information for Covered Borrowers under the Military Lending Act

For New Accounts- Federal law provides important protections to members of the Armed Forces and their dependents relating to extensions of consumer credit. In general, the cost of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not exceed an annual percentage rate of 36 percent. This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction or account: The costs associated with credit insurance premiums; fees for ancillary products sold in connection with the credit transaction; any application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified credit transactions or accounts); and any participation fee charged (other than certain participation fees for a credit card account)

To hear this Military Lending Act disclosure and the payment obligations thereunder, call toll free at 1-866-230-0418; (TDD/TTY: 1-888-819-1918).

I am applying to Comenity Capital Bank for, and hereby request, a Petco Pay Mastercard Credit Card for personal, family or household use. I hereby authorize Comenity Capital Bank to investigate my credit record. The information that I have supplied is true and correct. I agree that a credit report may be obtained for any lawful purpose, including in connection with the processing of an application, or subsequently with the update, renewal or extension of credit. Upon my request, I will be informed of whether or not a consumer credit report was ordered, and if it was, I will be given the name and address of the consumer-reporting agency that furnished the report. I agree to be bound by the terms of the Petco Pay Mastercard Credit Card account agreement. I acknowledge that I will receive a Petco Pay Mastercard Credit Card account agreementupon approval. I also acknowledge that there is no agreement between Comenity Capital Bank and me until Comenity Capital Bank approves my credit application and accepts the Petco Pay Mastercard Credit Card account agreement at its office in Utahand that the Petco Pay Mastercard Credit Card account agreementis deemed to be made in Utah. Pay Mastercard Credit Card are issued and credit is extended by Comenity Capital Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Please note:

By submitting this credit application, you are agreeing to the following with respect to certain consumer information about you.

You hereby authorize Comenity Capital Bank ("us" or "we") to furnish our decision to issue an account to you to Petco Pay Mastercard Credit Card. You hereby authorize us to furnish, if your application is approved, information concerning your account to credit bureaus, other creditors and Petco Pay Mastercard Credit Card.

Check your information before submitting. We cannot process any submission without a complete and accurate name, address, date of birth and social security number. By submitting this Application you are acknowledging having read and understood the Important Rate, Fee and Other Cost Information and, if approved, agreeing to be bound by them.

Petco Pay Mastercard Credit Card - Legal Docs (2025)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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